Category: Blog
Green in the City
LEN”S Green in the City series mentioned in our October newsletter in now archived for you to re-visit on Youtube. topics include food waste, sustainable transportation, urban agriculture, responsible consumption and production, and a green economic recovery.
Policy Action on The Resource Recovery and Circular Economy Act 2015
Presently, less than 7% of Ontario’s waste is recycled through the Blue Box, and the province sends over 8 million tonnes (70%) of trash to landfills and incinerators every year. Ontario is now drafting a regulation to address packaging, paper, and packaging-like product waste and reform of the Blue Box. This regulation is an opportunity…
Waste Reduction Week, Single-Use Plastic Ban, and Reimagine Co Crowdfunding Campaign
The timing of Waste Reduction Week (October 19-25) this year seems particularly apt given the federal government’s recent announcement regarding the banning of certain single-use plastics. Also, given the recent success of Reimagine Co’s crowdfunding campaign in London, which concluded on October 15, having raised $88,135 from 865 donors towards the opening of a package-free grocery store in downtown London. For more…
CAN-Bike Program with Westminster High School
TREA has been helping CAN-Bike London this month with a Can-Bike program with Westminster High School students. Cycling has been part of their keep active agenda, and safety was an essential foundation for all classes underway this fall. Many thanks go to Big Bike Giveaway for donating bikes for this program. Also, local businesses have…
Visit TREA Composting Demonstration Site and Shade Composting Inquiries
TREA’s composting demonstration site and ground covers are looking good. Please invite those who are interested in viewing various options of each to drop by. We also have a pollinator garden, which is coming along. Often, we get inquiries about placing a composter in the shade. Successful composting can occur under a wide range of…
Composting 101 Handout Updated
During August, TREA reorganized and updated a past publication entitled Composting 101. Now available online and as a handout. Please share the publication found here.
2020 Earth Overshoot Day Delayed by 3 Weeks
Once again, Earth Overshoot Day has passed as it happened on August 22, more than three weeks later than last year. It is presumed to be a direct result of the coronavirus-induced lockdowns around the world, not the intentional change needed to achieve both ecological balance and people’s well-being through influential aspects of sustainability. Each…
Compost Day and June Bike Month Postponed
Given the pandemic, Compost Day and June bike month events organized through Cycle Link were postponed. TREA’s support of CAN-Bike London Continues. Trainings are starting this month from a waitlist of folks on ‘Learn to Ride’. We also anticipate a CB2 course and a CB4 course this summer. Details are being finalized.
Kick-Off of TREA How-To Workshops Given COVID-19
Our series of TREA how-to workshops postponed mid-March given the COVID-19 is now picking up, and we welcome you to join us either on-site or online for these sessions. On July 8th, we kicked off our first workshop in partnership with ReForest London’s Signal Boost program on Compost 101 with Caitlyn Lyons from TREA.
New Summer Staff, Zoom as Online Venue, and Pandemic Update as of June/July
Over the month of June, we welcomed new summer staff and reorganized our workshop series and speakers, and developed an online venue, Zoom. Grosvenor Lodge, where TREA’s office is located has not been accessible to us except for business matters given two essential workers also have offices and work in the building. As of July…