My Summer Experience in London

A Colourful Summer in London

By Julia Labelle

London is a welcoming city and very involved in the environment and culture is my perception. Thanks to the YMCA Summer Work Student Exchange I am here for the summer to practice my English along with 14 others students and have a life experience. I live in was able to discover the Sunfest Festival. I had the opportunity to work as a volunteer and I acquired new knowledge in the field of the environment. Two non-profit organizations participated in Sunfest, TREA and Reimagine CO. They participated in Sunfest to reduce the amount of waste sent to landfills. Unfortunately, this year there was a shortage of volunteers, so many had to work harder and longer than expected.

In my opinion, the Sunfest was a complete success with a warm and multicultural atmosphere. I want to thank all the staff who worked day and night to make this festival happen. It is important to set an example for future generations by telling them that we must have a healthy planet. With all the potential of London, I believe that the government and the city should invest, because it is very important for the environment and the public image of London. Organizing festivals like Sunfest, Home County festival and others will make people aware of how to sort their waste. London is a city full of exquisite little restaurants and charming little shops for tourists. It’s a city with many parks and is close to several beaches for example, Stanley Harbour, Grand Bend, etc. It is a great place for a family trip.

I would like to point out that this year the Home County Festival celebrated its 46th anniversary and its 10th year of composting! I volunteer for eco-stations that sort compostable, recyclable and waste materials. This festival was something extraordinary, for the atmosphere that brought together musicians, vendors and tourists. There were shows, craft shops and food stands. It is wonderful to see that London is a city involved in culture and the arts. 

It is important to think about our planet, to keep it healthy. We must act, it is essential! If you want advice on composting and other matters, you can ask TREA and other associations for information.

Let’s make a difference


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